National Wind-Solar Hybrid Policy


In a bid to boost clean energy generation, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has issued National Wind-Solar Hybrid Policy.


The National Wind-Solar Hybrid Policy seeks to promote new hybrid projects as well as hybridization of existing wind/solar projects.
  • Objective: It aims to provide a framework for the promotion of large grid-connected and wind-solar PV hybrid system for efficient utilization of transmission infrastructure & land and to further reduce the variability in renewable power generation whileachieving better grid stability.
  • Target: It has set an ambitious target of achieving 175 gigawatts (GW) of installed capacity from renewable energy sources by 2022, which includes 100 GW of solar and 60 GW of wind power capacity.
  • Period: This policy will remain in force unless withdrawn or superseded by the Government. The Government will undertake a review of this Policy as and when required.


  • Solar and wind energy sources are variable in nature and pose certain challenges on grid security and stability; therefore, it requires suitable policy interventions for new wind-solar hybrid plants and for encouraging hybridization of existing plants.
  • On the technology front, the policy provides for the integration of wind energy sources as well as solar energy sources at both levels i.e., Alternating Current (AC) and Direct Current (DC).
  • The policy also provides for flexibility in the share of wind and solar components in the hybrid project, subject to the condition that, rated power capacity of one resource be at least 25 percent of the rated power capacity of another resource for it to be recognized hybrid project.
  • In addition to the above, the policy also aims to encourage new technologies, methods and way-outs involving the combined operation of wind and solar PV plants.


  • Under the category of wind-solar hybrid power plants, Wind and Solar PV systems will be configured to operate at the same point of the grid connection.
  • There can be different approaches towards integrating wind and solar depending on the size of each of the sources integrated and the technology type.
  • In case of the sites, where the wind power density is relatively lower or moderate, the component of the solar PV capacity could be relatively on a higher side.


  • Transparent bidding: The National Wind-Solar Hybrid Policy provides for the procurement of power from a hybrid project on the tariff-based transparent bidding process for which the Government entities may invite bids.
  • Use of battery storage: It also permits the use of battery storage in the hybrid project for optimizing the output and further reduces the variability.
  • Formulation of standards: It mandates the regulatory authorities to formulate necessary standards and regulations for wind-solar hybrid systems.


The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) will lay down the guidelines for determination of generic tariff for wind-solar hybrid system. Further, the Commission is required to frame regulations for forecasting and scheduling for the hybrid systems


  • The Government will encourage the development of wind-solar hybrid systems through various incentives.
  • All the fiscal and financial incentives are available to wind and solar power projects may also be made available to hybrid projects.
  • Low-cost financing for hybrid projects may be made available through Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd.(IREDA) and other financial institutions including multilateral banks.


  • Efficient: The efficiency of the project ranges from 40-45 percent as the two clean sources (wind and solar) compliment each other while 100 percent solar or wind projects have an efficiency of 20 to 30 percent.
  • Reduces variability: The policy is aimed to reduce variability in renewable power generation.
  • Enhancing the system: It will enhance the grid stability and security and further, it will also help to address the concerns of the distribution utilities over the variable nature of wind and solar power.
  • Lower cost: The hybrid projects reduce the cost by as much as 15 percent with common land utilized and transmission system to evacuate power and equipment.
In conclusion of the merits of the policy, the policy is believed to promote the renewable energy sector at the big level and to also promote grid security and stability.


Initially, the ministry had planned for 10 GW for such hybrid projects, but now it depends on the response of bidders in view of merits over 100 percent solar or wind projects. The government will support the technology development projects in the field of hybrid systems and it will also provide for the development of standards for hybrid systems.Under this policy, the Ministry of Renewable Energy is also in the process of launching a scheme for new hybrid projects, which are 10 to 15 percent cheaper than 100 percent solar or wind projects.


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