Strategy about case studies in GS 4

Nature of questions: so far in 2 years case studies questions can be categorised as follows:

Decision making based on certain situations, specially being a Civil servant (most of the questions will come in this category).
Giving reaction to a situation.
Harassment of women at workplace.
Corruption/ bribe /ethical dilemmas.
Issues such as environment and migration.

Understanding case studies: usually most case studies have following stakeholders.
Person /victim/ complainant.
Staff /officer /bosses ( superior subordinate relations)
Public /civil servants.

Some techniques you can follow to analyse case studies are- SWOT, PESTEL, cost-benefit analysis, Pros and cons analysis and value-fact analysis.

Final decision in general should take into account:

Values in civil services.
Public interest.
Right to life and liberty.
Teleology and deontology.
Natural law/ natural justice ,etc.


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